Wednesday, July 31, 2019

July Goal Progress

So I stated if I got anything done this month I would call it a win. I did get my running done and knit just a bit. So we are going to call that a good month. July is a work month, and work I did. County Fair came and went, and it was pretty smooth. It might just take seven years to get the hang of a county fair!

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 8

No new books. I did download one to my Kindle but the library took it back before I even started it! 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 2.5

I'm giving myself a half for finishing one sock! 

Run 400 Miles: 281

I ran 48 miles in July! My goal was 40! The long runs are what is making the difference now that I'm halfway through my half marathon training plan. The start of Aug. my long run is 5 miles at the end of August it is 8 miles. Whew, I can do this! 

Five House Projects:
No House projects. I am getting some quotes in August but not sure what work will be next. Believe or not I have to start thinking about spending extra funds on Christmas! I can't believe I just typed that....
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

One of the projects Alex did for the fair was

He was very serious about the decorating.
My half of a knitting project. 

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