Sunday, July 28, 2019

2019 County Fair Fun (But glad it's over!)

This year both boys had big plans for their fair projects. Daryl started a garden, tried to sew knit fabric and made his first 4-H poster. Alex is still a cloverbud so he can only bring 3 projects. He decided on his sewn pouch, decorated cupcakes and a painted bowl.

The garden did not produce vegetables in time for the fair. Next year he needs to start earlier. But he did start Marigold plants inside in April and planted them outside in May. So he took one of those for his horticulture project.

Daryl had a great results for 2019:
Purple on his Marigold
Blue on his Wildlife poster
Blue on his sewn shirt
Blue on his sewn pouch
Purple on his buymanship outift
and Reserve Champion on his Fashion Revue for buymanship

Not too shabby!

Alex has thought hard and as of today he wants to do Foods next year, sewing, NOT fashion revue and rockets! We have no experience in Rockets, so that would be new for us. :-)

I hope everyone had a great fair, "In A Galaxy Fair Fair Away" will be a hard one to beat!

After he got his fashion revue ribbon!

Daryl getting his poster judged
Daryl's purple ribbon Marigold!

Alex helping at the info booth is 2013

Alex helping at the info booth in 2019!

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