Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Sewing for Days

I have good news! Daryl finished his 4-H sewing project for the County Fair. He wanted to do a t-shirt this year so I found a raglan shirt pattern on Etsy. It is really slim pickings for clothing patterns for boys. This one was beginner friendly and cute.

He picked the fabric and we started the highs and lows of sewing with young people. He doesn't want my help until something is messed up, then he is mad I let him mess up. Hmmmmm, funny how that works. I'm just glad he was happy with the finished project. No matter how he does at the fair he will wear this shirt, so that is a win!

When Daryl was looking at the knits for his shirt I saw a bunch of cute fabrics. So I found a pattern for myself! I'm not done with my cactus shirt yet, but I've already got plans for some sloth shirt next! I'm going to sew all of the shirts!! Maybe he won't notice I used some of his leftover fabric for my sleeves. :-)

Too bad for my poor little sock. It is about ten rows from done, but my attention has been diverted. Maybe I'll finish it this weekend at the 4-H horse show. My sewing machine does not travel like my knitting needles do!

Good job Daryl! 

Still need to finish the collar and hem the sleeves and bottom. 

Poor neglected sock. 

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