Monday, July 8, 2019

4th of July 🎆

The boys and I had a pretty calm 4th of July holiday, and that was great! After our travels just before the 4th, I spent my days off catching up on sleep and running.

We have continued our tradition of watching the Potwin parade on the 4th, and then had lunch at Jaime's house. I think that is the best neighborhood for 4th of July festivities. The boys went with their dad that evening and according to them did a ton of Firecrackers!

So happy they got to be with both parents this time. Holidays like this one are just more fun with the kids.

Now that the holiday is over it's time to hit the 4-H projects hard. Daryl has his last sewing project cut out. He just needs to sew it, make a poster, prepare a talk and pick out buymanship outfits. Whew, we should have started sonner!
Taken after the last game of the season. 

He is trying to sew a knit this year.
Send happy thoughts!

Potwin Parade 

"Our Moms Knit" gang

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