Saturday, July 20, 2019

Alberto Turns 7!

Seven years ago, at 7:41 AM I gave birth to Alex. This morning at 7:40ish AM I finished a sock. Alex took nine months, the sock three. There is no comparison to these things I made. One is intelligent, kind and stands out from in every way. The other is a sock.

I can't believe it has been seven years since Alex was born, Daryl said at Alex's birthday lunch, "You will always be a baby to mom." I wish that was true, he is my baby, but I can't deny the person he is growing into.

He loves numbers, strawberry ice cream, pokemon, his brother and YouTube videos. And I love him when he is tired, when he is angry and when he is cuddling me. Happy Birthday Alberto, I love you!!

For his birthday he wanted Unspeakable Merch. That is what he got! 
He picked Golden Corral for his birthday lunch because they have desserts! 

Just a sock, now I have to make another.

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