Monday, August 5, 2019

Saying Goodbye To Grandma

On August first, right on schedule, Grandma Rosie headed north to her next family to live with for four months. This is the beginning of her third rotation of her retirement plan. There are three families that she lives with each for four months. It is the best four months of our year, and I think my siblings feel the same.

It is always hard to see her go, I think Purl takes it the hardest, she gets used to having Grandma home all day with her. I know I'm lucky to be able to spend so much time with my parent as an adult. But 4 months out of 12 still doesn't feel like enough when she leaves. So I'm patiently waiting till April 2020. :-)

Last night the boys and I took a practice walk to their new school. They are over their nerves of going to a new school starting next week. Now they are just excited! They met some kids that will go to their new school at summer camp. So I think that has helped with the transition.

Once they got to the new school they realized the park had ninja warrior equipment. So the new school is approved! Alex wanted to go inside real bad, they don't understand pods and really want to see the inside. I told him to be patient, he will get to go inside very very soon!

Cheers to the last week of summer! I hope to get a fun day in with the boys before this week is over.

Bye Grandma! See you soon on Labor Day! 

Making sure they stop at intersections, don't freak out at the dogs that bark,
and make both of their turns! There are only two. 

New school playground approved!

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