Friday, August 16, 2019

Road Trip!

This last week I took some time off and went on a bike trip with Jefferson. We put in a lot of miles on the car to bike a few miles in New Mexico and Colorado. Got to stop in Dodge City on the way out and saw Aunt Rita and Uncle Steve!

I wrecked on the first day riding, so to make me feel better Jefferson wrecked on the second day. LOL

We were riding in a state park in Ruidoso and the trails were great! And my wreck was my first actually coming off my bike, so that was new. Usually, I just fall over with my bike, this time we went different ways. I cut my hand on some rocks but nothing worse than that. I have bike gloves now!

In Salida, CO we rode around S mountain. There were a lot of kids on the trails, so I knew they were my kind of trails! And I really enjoyed them. I would definitely ride them again.

Made it home today and was happy to see Purl and the boys. I picked up the boys from school and I should have known better. This is Kelly's week and when you mess with Alex's schedule it throws him. I walk into the after-school program and Daryl jumps up "Mom, I didn't know you were getting us!"

Alex comes up, "Today is dad's day, what are you doing here?"
Me-"I just got back and wanted to see you!"
Alex starting to cry, "But dad is picking us up today!"

Needless to say the after-school people thought I was kidnapping my children. I'm glad the cops didn't meet us at the house! Once I explained to Alex I was just picking him up, giving him some hugs, and taking him to dad's he was fine. I'll learn some day not to mess with his schedule!

These trail names were great!

Penelope is always confused when we climb mountains.
We live in Kansas she says!
We rode Lil Raddler and the pepper trails. 

Trails around S mountain in Salida. 

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