Wednesday, August 21, 2019

11 Things About My 11 Year Old

Alex talked all day Saturday about making Daryl a cake. So we
went to the store, got what he needed and he made his brother a cake!
He even blocked off the kitchen with chairs so Daryl couldn't come in.
They fight like crazy but Alex is Daryl's biggest fan. 
Having been 11 for an entire day, I interviewed Daryl this morning. Some of his answers are definitely not what I would ever choose. So this is him, growing up, being his own person. It seems that person is a cowboy!

1.) What is your favorite Food
2.) What are your favorite clothes
Country clothes
3.) What is your favorite school subject
4.) What is your favorite Team
KU Basketball
5.) What is your favorite Color
He first said blue, then changed his mind to red. Maybe see question 4 LOL
6.) What is your favorite 4-H project
7.) Who is your favorite Singer
This answer took the most pondering. George Strait
8.) What do you want to be when you are grown
9.) What is your favorite month
10.) Where would your dream vacation be
Amarillo (Mom's face looked like this ?!?)
11.) What is your favorite TV Show
Professional Bull Riding

Of course I couldn't spend all that time interviewing Daryl without Alex wanting a turn. Here are Alex's answers to the same questions:
1.)Cheese Pizza 2.) Unspeakable Merch 3.) Math 4.) Dirt Devils (his tee ball team) 5.) Teal 6.) Construction Zone 7.) Luke Bryan 8.) Scientist 9.) December 10.) Minecraft! This involved debate with Daryl who said that's not a real place. Alex repeated the question like this "What is your DREAM vacation." 11.) Youtube!

Daryl wanted shrimp for his birthday dinner so Mom
Dad and Alex took him to Golden Corral. They even sang to him! 

This picture just cracks me up! Daryl posing while at the same time blocking his brother! 

He was pretty happy with a pocket knife. I can't remember if it was from
Grandpa Mike or Dad. He got lots of cool presents! Including Rodeo tickets from dad!

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