Tuesday, August 27, 2019

I Call Next to Retire!

 Last week I attended two retirement parties and I decided, that's it, no one else gets to leave. ;-) Kendra is retiring from my office, and she will be missed by us and all her teachers!

The second retirement was one of my 4-H mentors, the one and only Jodi! It is hard to believe I've been doing this job for seven years. It has gone fast. However, the one thing that didn't go fast was my very first year as a 4-H Agent. It very well could have been my last year. But there was one lady, who helped me more than she will ever know. Ms. Jodi was in my camp group and I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing for camp driving to Rock Springs.

I was a nervous wreck and I confided to Jodi that I felt like I had no idea what I was doing. I don't remember exactly what she said to me, but she just had this calming sage advice. She made me believe that I could be a good agent. These days I love camp, and I love camping with Jodi. We work on other Extension projects together and when I've had rough patches professionally or personally she is always so supportive.

If she can do all this for a coworker, two hours away, can you even imagine all the youth she has directed to bigger and better things? I can't. The work of youth development is planting trees, us youth development professionals may never get to sit under their shade, but we are responsible for it. Jodi showed me how to plant trees and she also taught me how to be calm, and that everything will work out!

Jodi, Congrats on your retirement, you deserve it and I will be a constant Facebook stalker of you! Also, Daryl was very upset you were retiring:
Daryl "Where are you going?"
Me "To Jodi's retirement party in Wichita."
Daryl "Camp Jodi!?"
Me "Yes"
Daryl "But who will RUN CAMP!?"
Me "I'm going to try."
Daryl "Oh no!"
LOL ;-)
From 2015 camp, we are twins!

Thank you for how much you have taught me, and keep your phone on! 
We went to the Zoo on Saturday! We had to show Jefferson how much it has changed in 20 years! 

I loved the temporary shark exhibit they have!

I think we all could have fit in the big chair. The boys did not think so!

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