Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Aug. Goal Recap and Labor Day Weekend

The Manor had a wonderful long weekend. We took off on Friday for South Dakota and stayed with the Stiles family until Monday. We enjoy their house, yard and lake within walking distance. It is just a great way to spend time with family while the kids have the run of the place!

It is already fall there. Most days stayed in the 60s, that was a welcome change! It is going to be 92 today in Topeka, yuck!

When I retire I want to live with my brother and sister in law. They do such a great job of hosting, I think they should probably go into the hospitality business. They had meals planned for the entire time we were there, and activities for the cousins to choose from. My boys really enjoyed the day they went bungee jumping and raced go karts. The next day they went to the indoor pool and had a good time there too! I missed the pool and instead finished my pair of socks I have been working on. They are a gift for my mom so I wanted to finish them when I was with her. That way I didn't have to mail them!

A relaxing weekend to end summer. We are ready for fall, now if the weather would cooperate!

2019 Goals 
Read 10 Books: 8

No new books. Again. School has started and my reading time has been spent reading research articles. 

Knit 4 Things (and no new yarn!): 3

I finished the socks! Now to find out what I want to cast on next to finish this goal!

Run 400 Miles: 335

I ran 54 miles in August! I missed my long run over the holiday weekend but my monthly mileage was still my best for 2019. I've set the goal for 60 in September. I have to get to an 11 mile run this month. I am still on track for my first half marathon in MANY years! 

Five House Projects:
Not on the list but I think the next house project will be replacing the basement windows. All my windows need replaced so I guess I'm just starting at the bottom and working my way up! 
Stairs (Completed: 0/00 )
Porch (Completed: 5/22/19 )
Dishwasher (Completed: 2/23 )
Water Heater (Completed: 2/15 )
Refinish Door (Completed: 6/22)

We could not pass up the chance for a family picture. It has been awhile! 

Picture proof. Socks done! 

The twins! 

These boys fished half of the weekend!

My sister in law has many amazing talents. Add woodworker to that list. The lady has a saw and she will build you a tree house out of an old fence! Can't wait to see what she builds next. 

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