Monday, September 23, 2019

I Just Felt Like Running!

You all probably get tired of hearing about my running adventures. But, this Saturday the boys got to join in on the fun with their school's 1 mile fun run!

The school organized a run in the neighborhood and I was afraid it was going to get rained out. But the weather held and both boys got to run the course. Daryl flew and was in the second pack of kids to come in. Alex admitted he walked the last part, but he finished with a sprint.

They had fun, and that made my little runner heart happy! I have less than 30 days from the Kansas City Half Marathon and I'm still on track with my running plan. I have an 11 mile run this Saturday and that will be my longest run till my 13.1 miles.

Yay, I'm almost there! 🏃🏃🏃

Alex wanted the race "Merch"! 

Daryl flying to the finish!

Alex finishing strong! 

The running plan I've used for my half. Coffee Stains and all!

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