Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Our Lazy Weekend

One might argue there is no lazy weekend for a mom of two. Last weekend was about as close as we have gotten to a recharge weekend since snow days last winter. I throw those in there because when you can't get the car out of the driveway, you really do have a relaxing day!

On Friday, the boys and I were both beat. We stayed home and I tried to mow the lawn. I say tried because I started too late and 30 minutes in, it was dark! I'm sure the neighbors thought I was crazy when I was finishing the corner under the street light!

On Saturday I got up early and did a nine mile run. Wahoo! That was a big one for me and I didn't even take a walk break. Yay!! When I got home I showered and went back to bed! I didn't get to fall asleep because the boys woke up and were ready to go. We messaged a friend from their old school, and got a play date on the books for Sunday. That got the boys in a really good mood so they didn't fuss at all with helping me do a work program at the library. We celebrated with Wendy's for lunch and spent another night at home.

While at the library I picked up my next book to read. "Grandma Gatewood's Walk," so far it is awesome!

Sunday we had fishing, a play date and I finished the lawn work. They were such good sports for a chill weekend! I wish we could have them more often, but I will take them when I get it!

Alex will always use a night at home to bake! These donuts were good! 

Walking our couch potato, Purl. 

Fishing, but mom wouldn't buy worms. So Daryl says that is why he didn't catch anything. (Insert 11 yr. old eye roll here)

Lunch date with an old friend is a great way to end a weekend. 

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