Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Last Day of School (Play Ball!)

Last week on Thursday the boys had the last day of school. They always let out before lunch on the last day so we then go have our last day of school lunch! My only rule is the boys have to agree on where we eat. This is the first year I've had the rule because it's always been just Daryl before.

We sat in the car for a bit and they finally decided on Wendy's. Fine choice by me, I love to dip fries in my chocolate frosty!

The boys have each had two ballgames now. Both of them have great teams and coaches. I'm so happy about how much they are learning! Daryl's team has tied once and lost once. They play kid pitch so the games are very interesting. So far he has played catcher and first base. He is doing great!

Alex is playing his second year of Tee Ball. They don't keep score but he is pretty sure they have won both games. LOL

Ok, I'm off to Manhattan for the rest of the week with some of my 4-H'ers. I will miss the boys' Wednesday games and that makes me sad, but I know they are in good hands with Grandma! Alex said he is going to have Grandma record the game on her phone so I can watch on Facebook. I told him he will have to show her how to do that! :-)
End of School Celebration Lunch! 
We will miss Ms. C.but will see her next year! 

Alex's team is the Dirt Devils! 

Daryl's team is the Blue Jays

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