Wednesday, May 23, 2018

My Last Kindergarten Graduation 😢

This year has flown by for my little Alberto. He has been ready to go to school for years, and he loved it! The comment most put in his planner by Ms. Smith was, "Very Chatty today." I think that is teacher code for, "Does your kid ever stop talking? I'm trying to teach here!"

He learned that he loves numbers. He is always adding everything, and he has gotten recognition for his math skills. He does good in his other subjects as well, he can spell bad words very well! If you say a bad word he will say, "You just said H-E-L-L!" He can spell them all....

Having them both in the same school was everything I dreamed it would be. I get two more precious years of one drop off and one pick up. I will cherish that time!

For his graduation question number one was, "Do I get presents?"
Me-"Nope, you get a cake."
Alex-"Can I have a Star Wars cake?"
Alex-"Can it have Darth Vader on it?"
Me-"Maybe but you are getting pretty picky!"

Turns out the only Star Wars cake you can get at Dillons is a Darth Vader cake! Win!! The other thing he was so excited about was getting to Floss in front of everyone. This is a new dance move and has nothing to do with your teeth. He did do that, and he was spectacular! I think he should Floss at every graduation from here on out!

Ok, I'm out to a tee ball game. Mommin' never stops!
He loved his cake! 

My boys in the McCarter purple! Yes, I dress them matching for everything.
I'm the mom and that is my right! 

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