Monday, May 21, 2018

Tour De Beir 2018

I'm fairly new to biking so when asked if I wanted to do a 15 mile ride with beer stops I said, "Heck Ya!"

Then I started to doubt myself when I was reminded that Kansas City has a lot of hills. My doubt was not helped by the fact that is was raining hard when we got to the starting point. However, since a registration was paid, and food and drinks were waiting, I did it!

It actually stopped raining around the second of five breweries so it turned out to be a really fun ride. I definetly want to do this one again!

Last week I also tried to get back in the running grove. I'm positive this will take more than a week to accomplish. However, I did get out four mornings and logged a little over 10 miles for the week! I  made it out the door this morning too. The weather has been great for morning runs. I'm not concerened with mileage at this point. I just want to get out the door and go!

Yay for Spring weather and getting outside to do all the things! I need to find a race to sign up for to keep my motivation up!
This was the weather when we arrived. Boooooo
Thankfully there was a bridge that we waited under to start! 

My favorite brewery in Kansas City is Emperial.
I was so glad it was one of our stops! I already knew my order here. 

All done! I sent this picture to my mom to let her know I had finished.
She replied "You don't look drunk." Thanks Mom, you do realize we still had to ride a bike?! 

Meal at the finish line. They ran out of burgers so the chicken sandwich had to do. 

My run this morning. It's a start! 

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