Monday, May 7, 2018

Here we come May!

School is still in session, but we are in full summer mode! I've mowed the lawn for the first time of the year, the boys are playing baseball and work is ramping up. This time is hard work, but it is also a lot of fun! 

School is also having a lot of activities including field trips and fun days. Alex had a pajama day last Friday. That alwasy makes me giggle because the boys have one pair of pajamas that they both use for pajama day. Their real pajamas are underwear, and I'm sure the school appreciates I don't send them in that for pajama day! 

Alex's field trip was awhile ago to the Kansas History Museum, Daryl went to Yaegar stadium at Washburn last week for his trip. He loved it, they even got shirts from Hy-Vee. More pillow material! Speaking of that we need to make a to do list for his 4-H projects. I do not want to be stressing out the week of the fair this year! 

I was playing with livestock all weekend at our annual 4-H Spring Show. It is a long weekend, but worth it to see the youth with their animals. Next big 4-H project is camp in June, I can't wait! 

Spring Show! We had a great beef show this year. 

The pajamas we only wear on pajama day at school! 

My new favorite beer. It is soooo good if you have been outside all day. 

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