Monday, April 30, 2018

Well Shet

It's been awhile since I've had an update. Baseball practices have started, and work is getting busy. In my best Eddard Stark impression, "Winter is coming!" 

Alex gave me my best blog material just this afternoon. I don't even remember what I said but I ended my sentence with, Not Yet. 

Mom- Did you say shit? 
Alex- No way she said shet!
Me- Alex, shet isn't a word. (We are all cracking up just saying shet. Say it out loud you'll see what I'm talking about!)
Alex- Sure it is, like when you shave, you shave your shet!
Mom and Me- What!!! 
Alex- Yup, shave your shet. 

We were all laughing so hard we were almost late to T-ball practice. Maybe it wasn't that funny, maybe we are all just losing it over here! 

I got to read a book to Alex's class on behalf of the United Way! 

We got to dog sit one week. Here Alex is training Remy to sit.
He didn't know Remy already knew that one. LOL

Baseball season has begun! 

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