Friday, May 18, 2018

World's Okayest Mom

I saw a shirt once that read, "World's Okayest Mom." I should have bought it. I need it! It sums up my parenting style of wanting them to be happy and healthy, but not really monitoring their vegetable intake. It also relates to how I want them to have many friends, but we can rarely make a play date.

I am happy living in the land of my kids are bathed, teeth are brushed 90% of the time and they have been fed. It may have been breakfast cereal, but they are not hungry. I think that makes me an Okay mom.

So I LOVE when I get the letters they write on Mother's day. Because above is how I see myself, it is so much fun to read how they see me.

My favorite line of Daryl's letter was, "I love you even when I say you are mean, because you are helping me learn life." (Dang straight I'm teaching you life!)

My favorite line of Alex's paper was, "My mom is good at Doing Laundry!" I actually folded the next basket with pride, because dang it, I'm good at it!

I love my D and Alberto. I'm glad that I am their mom. I'm not the best mom, but I think I'm doing Okay! :-)

You are not missing anything, he only had 5 things! LOL 
My letter From Daryl
More From Alex 

I've been waiting for mother's day because that means I kept last year's plant alive!
For an entire year! It even grew a little!

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