Monday, May 14, 2018

Bikes, Bride and Baptism (A Meerpohl Weekend)

It seems these days our weekends go one of two ways. First, we have nothing, and we play catch up on house stuff. This type of weekend is becoming rarer. Second, we do all of the things! We go and go, school and work on Monday morning seems like a break! LOL 

This past weekend was the second kind. Thankfully, everything on the docket was lots of fun. Mom and I split the house on Friday after school. She took Alex and Purl to my sister's and Daryl and I stayed behind. We needed something to fill our Friday night, so we went to Lawrence to ride bikes! Daryl had so much fun, it will have to happen again. He does need a new bike though, he has outgrown his. 

On Saturday, Daryl and I headed southwest to attend my friend Lindsey's wedding. It was an outdoor ceremony, and everything was just perfect! Daryl was my wedding date and a very dapper one at that. He was impressing the 4-H Agents at our table with his political aspirations. While they were not all democrats they promised him their votes. So, he was pretty happy about that! 

After the wedding we drove one more hour to meet mom and Alex at my sister's house. Sunday morning, we all went to church to see my niece Cadence be baptized. I'm glad that I could be there for her, and both boys thought it looked pretty fun to be dunked in a pool! Cadence might have a different story because the water was cold! I told mom that was my church visit for the year. But now that I think about it, that service was two hours long. So, I'm good till 2020! 

All the cousins  that were at church!

Alex has his ornery grin on! 

My wedding date! 

Thumbs up for riding bikes! He was ready to hit the trails with Jeff,
but mom made his stay on the levee. Moms can be the worst!

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