Wednesday, December 31, 2014

2014 Year in Review

Happy New Year to everyone! 2014 was a pretty fantastic year. Kelly and I made a lot of progress on our now six year journey of being debt free. After we pay our December Snowball we are on track to finish paying his school loan in January. We are so close to the end of baby step two it is crazy! Being super thrifty has paid off (literally), we are well ahead of the planned pay off date of April 2015.

As I look back at other highlights of our family's year the top for me was probably our vacation to Utah this year. We had no idea how the boys would handle a 16 hour road trip but they did fantastic. After a busy summer Bear Lake and our friends the Johnsons were just what we needed to recharge!
A personal accomplishment for me was running a sub 2 hour half marathon. I set a goal and I stuck to my training and eating plan. I put in the work and got the result I was after. It was the first time I teared up crossing a race finish line. I hope to recreate all that in 2015 as I have signed up for THREE half marathons. It will be a challenge, but I like challenges!
Daryl had a big milestone in 2014, he started Kindergarten. It was a day I never want to forget. I watched him enter a new school with kids he had never met with no fear. I was biting my lip to hold back the tears as he walked in. I later broke down in the car and at work. I have no idea how my baby boy is now in school.
Alex continues to grow and learn and it is fun to watch his personality come out. He is ornery! Don't let his laugh and grin fool you, he will cause trouble if you let him. His new game is running away from us when we are ready to leave the house, Claudia's or church. He crawls under tables or behind furniture and just laughs and laughs. Still not the best sleeper he makes up for that because he has started singing. To quote Daryl, "He sounds like a Minon when he sings." I still need to catch it on video. It's adorable!

Kelly continues to be the rock of our family. When I get crazy ideas or am really tired he is always there for me and the boys. There was a quote from the TV show Taxi I heard last week that reminded me of him. "Happiness is hard to come by in this life and you've given me more than my share." Thank you for a great year Kelly, I think 2015 will be even better!

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