Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas from The Manor!

I hope everyone had a happy and successful Christmas! We sure did! Asa and his family and Mom came in Christmas Eve and on Christmas Day we spent time with the Meerpohls.

Daryl was really into Christmas and Santa this year. A couple of nights before the big day he was very upset because he had a bad dream that he got coal from Santa. So the first thing he said when he woke up Kelly and I was that he didn't get coal!
This was the first year that we put out cookies and milk and we also set out a cookie sheet of flour. That way we could catch Santa and if he came down the chimney he would leave footprints. Glad to report that we caught him!

I think Alex's favorite toy was his box of Duplos and Daryl loved his Easy Bake oven. We have already had cookies and whoopie pies from his oven. He also loved his WWE pjs from The Browns. He put them on right away and wore them all day!

When I last wrote I was doing pretty good on the knitting front. I just had to make up Carter's vest and Christmas was done. Then I saw a pattern for a stuffed monster that was just too cute not to make. So on Saturday I started another Christmas present. I finished that one at 10 pm on  Christmas Eve, so still better than normal! I will take it!

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