Tuesday, December 30, 2014

The Christmas Card Picture

I realized that I was very early sending out our family Christmas Card picture this year. Alas, I never shared it on the blog. So here is your post Christmas seasons greetings from The Manor!
The text below our picture read, "Merry Christmas from The Meerpohls! PS-If you don't wear your hand knit sweater you don't get to be in the Christmas card picture!"
I thought it was pretty clever! ;-)
I had two favorite reactions to our card.
First, from my friend Brooke who when she got the card did not see Kelly at all! She wondered what was going on that we would take a family picture without him. It was like a where's Waldo card for her, she did finally spot him. :-)
Second, when my oldest nephew was in Topeka I asked him if he got their card. He said in a very cool middle school fashion, "Ya."
Me-"Did you think it was funny?"
Canyon-"Ya, I got the joke, if you don't wear your ugly sweater you don't get to be in the picture."
Me-"No, You do not get it! If you don't wear your HAND KNIT sweater you don't get to be in the picture."

For everyone that said "Poor Kelly", he liked the idea. He is a good sport and liked the fact that we could laugh about his dislike for hand knit sweater instead of being mad about it. Who can stay mad at Kelly? :-)
Thank you to Jaime who took the picture for us! It was perfect timing as just days later she had her baby. I love it when things just work out!

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