Thursday, December 11, 2014

Happy Blogiversary!!

This is the 6th anniversary of Meerpohl Manor! Who knew I would actually keep this up for six years! I'm just the queen of over-sharing! 
 Over Thanksgiving break I finished my Christmas gifts for the office. I used the yarn that I had leftover from other projects and made winter headbands! I love how they turned out and they were well received. This Christmas might be one for the books. I am almost done with everything but the wrapping and the baking. That is made easier by the facts I don't bake and I'll make Kelly wrap the presents. So I'm pretty much done!!

Lastly, tonight while brushing his teeth Daryl lost his other front tooth. We need to get him gigs singing "All I want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth." 
I'm just glad it finally fell out because since he lost the other one while we were playing WWE he had been asking me to just knock the second one out like I did the first one. I wasn't on board with that plan!

PS-Happy Birthday Kelly, you make 38 look good!

PPS-Shout out to Dusty who commented on my first post. I hope you thought this one was funny and that you are feeling better!! 

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