Saturday, December 20, 2014


Last weekend we had a surprise visit from the Browns! The boys were as excited as I was. We haven't seen them since the summer so I had a wonderful time catching up with them. It sounds like they are all doing good in their new school and Canyon is really enjoying basketball. He even made a three pointer in his last game. He was the one rushed to the hospital a few months back and was very sick. I couldn't be more proud of him getting along so well!
This morning I blocked the front and back of the last knit Christmas present. I have five days left to sew it together and knit the arm holes and neck. I need to stay super focused! Not stressed right now as all the other presents have been purchased and Kelly has been wrapping them! Yay!
This week Daryl had his Christmas party at school. He is officially on Christmas break. His last day of school he took a present for his teacher and the three ladies that run the after school program. When I asked him how the gifts were received he said, "I told them not to open them they are for Christmas, but they opened them anyway, no one listens to a little kid."
Life is hard when you are six!
Now for the official count down to Christmas!!

1 comment:

  1. Claudia and I love having your boys, Daryl keeps his little brother Alex in line.
