Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Pirates at Church

One of my pastors when I was young said, "God doesn't care what you wear to church as long as you are there." So when Daryl asked if he could wear his new pirate costume on Sunday Kelly said No Way!
Then mom said what does it hurt? So dad changed his mind. Daryl got the costume for Christmas from his great grandparents and wore it for two days solid. He got many compliments from fellow parishioners. We love our church because they love us. Even our son who from time to time comes in costume!

My first completed knit of the year was a Zuzu petals cowl. I like it but I was hoping it would be more green. It only took a few days to knit because I was on vacation for New Years. Right now I'm sitting with my mom in the hospital after her knee replacement surgery. I brought three different projects so I shouldn't get bored!

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