Monday, January 19, 2015

Three Day Weekend

Had a great weekend with Mom and the boys! We have been relaxing at home most of the time. In the three days I only got in one run, but it was my longest in awhile at 6.15 miles.

I did knit a little on the sweater that does not end. I'm almost to eight inches of the 13.5 I have to knit. So that is progress. But the most interesting thing I've been working on is a new spin. I've had this 8 ounces of BFL fiber since I was pregnant with Alex. I dyed it myself at Yarn School. It is spinning like a dream and I think it will make a smooshy three ply. Will hopefully get that done this week as I have A LOT of yarn that needs washed.

Today, Mom got the staples out of her knee. So glad she is starting to make progress. She is getting around better so today we went and got pedicures to celebrate. It was fun!

Sometimes I just like to go through the pictures on Kelly's phone. I don't know what is going on in these two but I thought they deserved to be posted! Happy Monday every one!

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