Monday, October 6, 2014

Hello October!

I have been so sad that the weather had been perfect for running but my injured toe was still keeping me sidelined. But last week it was feeling better so I went for two runs this weekend. There is still a little twinge but not really any pain. I think that means I am good to go! My mileage is really low but I'll get that back up as long as it doesn't get any colder than 56 degrees! LOL
I've been avoiding my 4-H green knitted top. It is going to take a long time with such tiny yarn! So instead of working on that I knit Alex a tiny hat. A tiny hat that matched my hat! We are cute!

Last week Kelly and I got to eat lunch with Daryl at school. It was fun. And lunches sure have changed since I went to school. My son ate his apple first, then his broccoli, then his carrots and finally his goldfish. If I hadn't been there I don't know if he would have eaten the hamburger at all! It was fun to spend time with Daryl and all his classmates.


  1. I love that pattern. I knit one out of handspun that looks awesome on Emily

    1. I love it because I don't need to read the pattern but it still keeps my interest. I think I need to knit some more!
