Friday, October 31, 2014

Happy Halloween!

Daryl had his first Halloween school party today. I brought Rice Krispie Frankensteins for his class. Thanks Pintrest! They started with a Halloween parade led by the High School drumline. That was really cool! Then they came back to their class and decorated cupcakes, played games and made a Halloween craft.
It was a lot of fun and all done by lunch! Later in the afternoon I took Daryl the Scream ghost and Alex the puppy to the Extension office to trick or treat. They loved it! They came home and trick or treated on our street. They hit about six houses and then Daryl said he was too cold. So they came home. Now we are just waiting on kids to come to our door.
I didn't get the house decorated this year but I still think we had a successful Halloween. I hope everyone else had a fun one too!

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