Sunday, October 12, 2014

Life Lessons for Days

Last Thursday Kelly and I had to enlist the help of Grandpa and Grandma Meerpohl. We both had night meetings that were not suitable for the boys.
I was in a rush when I handed off Daryl and Alex so I didn't get to talk much to Grandpa and Grandma. Daryl took advantage of that and decided to tell a lie.
He told Grandpa that Mom didn't have time to tell you I need a Halloween costume tomorrow. She wanted you to take me to the store to get one.
Being the great Grandpa he is he took Daryl out and bought him a costume. Kelly got home first so he was pretty sure I wouldn't have said that but  couldn't ask me right then.
When I got home I confirmed that our sweet little angel had told a big fat lie. When Daryl woke up the next day we talked about lying and I really didn't think it was getting through to him. So we told Daryl he had to pay Grandpa the money back that he spent out of his allowance. That caused tears, but he did it. Daryl may be a little too smart for his own good. Now to channel that power for good!

Here are some pictures from the Ramirez family reunion that I never got a chance to post. Like always it was a lot of fun!

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