Thursday, October 30, 2014

October Baseball Instead of Snowball

Shhhhh don't tell Dave Ramsey, but we spent our debt snowball on baseball this month! Kelly is a die hard Royals fan so when the World Series came back to Kansas City for a game six we said "What the Heck, let's go!"

We didn't get all crazy, we drove to the stadium in search of cheap tickets and had a budget we had to stick to. Turns out about ten minutes before the game, ticket prices dropped like a rock on Stub Hub. We snatched up two, got them printed and rushed in to catch the bottom of the first! (This is not true for all games, we watched and that didn't happen for game seven last night.)
It was a great game and a great experience! I have now been to a World Series game, so that is pretty cool. Kelly was like a kid in a candy store! The game didn't get over till 10:30 and I didn't knit or anything! In my defense baseball is much better in person than on TV. 

So you know how we have all been getting oodles of political ads bashing other politicians? If you are fed up about it maybe this will make you feel better. In the Meerpohl Manor neck of the woods we get two or three postcards a day bashing the Democrat candidates.

The Republicans always put the President's picture on these cards some place just to stir the ire of the conservatives. We give all this mail to Daryl because he likes mail and I already know who I'm voting for.

Me-"Daryl you got some more mail."
D-"Look mom PRESIDENT OBAMA! Mom, the President sent me a letter! You need to vote for this guy because he is friends with THE PRESIDENT! Who is this guy?"
Me-"That is Greg Orman"
D-"Yes mom, we are voting for Greg Orman, he knows President Obama!"

Hmmmm, bet that wasn't the way Republicans thought that would go! LOL!

Tonight I have to make Halloween snacks for Daryl's Halloween party at school tomorrow. I'm making Frankenstein rice krispie treats. Wish me luck!

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