Monday, October 27, 2014

A retraction might be in order...

On Saturday I got in some trouble. Here is the conversation that happened when the whole family was in the car.
Kelly-"We should go eat some Chinese."
Me-"Alex and I did that last Sunday on our date."
Daryl-"Ewww mom! You can't date your two year old son!"
Kelly-"Daryl, According to your mom we went on a date to the WWE match."
Trying not to laugh
Me-"No I didn't Daryl, don't worry about it."

I am in a lot of trouble when Daryl learns how to read! Until then, what he can't read won't hurt him!

Yesterday, Kelly took the boys to the Church's Trunk or Treat. I was running with my relay team, Stampede Society. We did the Bison 50 mile Relay as a team of 5. Last year, we did it as a team of nine and it has ten legs. So we each had to run two. I ran my legs back to back, I wasn't prepared. I ended up doing 10 and 1/2 minute miles for my 9.5 miles. I will take it because there was a point I was sure the buzzards were going to get me! I love these relay races because the people I run with are a lot of fun! Next year if we only have five runners I want the same two legs. I will OWN them next year! (and I'll know where to turn in Perry and save myself a minute or two!)

Now for the ONE trunk or treat picture I got. I guess I shouldn't complain at least there is a picture. I just wish Alex's eyes would have been open. :-) Daryl is a skeleton and Alex is a puppy. This was Daryl's back up costume as we hadn't gotten his ghost/scream guy costume washed since his 4-H meeting.

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