Friday, November 7, 2014

I never thought this day would come!

Last night....right before dinner.....Daryl finally said it! He said, "Mom will you help me knit something?"
My jaw dropped, I just looked at him for a minute to see if he was joking with me. Then I asked him, "What do you want to knit?"
Daryl-"Something for my wrestlers, like a mask or something."
Me-"What about a cape?"
Daryl-"That would work! Christian doesn't wear a shirt so he might get cold without one."

So we found some needles and yarn and I sat down with him not sure what to expect. He took the needles and actually held them correctly ,(I guess he has been watching me for the past six years). I put my hands on top of his and he knit a whole six rows that way! He got tired and we only had a couple more rows to go so he asked if I would finish it.

We then put it around Christian's neck and Daryl was very proud of himself. I am so happy he wanted to do this. I hope he decides he wants to make something else, although I'm not sure how we would knit masks that small. hmmmmmm

This morning after Daryl was brushing his teeth he looked at the box holding his front tooth that fell out on Saturday.
Daryl-"Mom can you please remember to call the tooth fairy today, PLEASE!"
Me-"Ok bud, I promise I will call her after lunch and try to get you on her schedule tonight."
Daryl-"Ok mom, Thanks!"

Grrrrr, that means I need to go to the bank and get some cash. The tooth fairy is the only time it stinks we never have cash around. Kelly and I both get paid by direct deposit and use our debit cards for everything. Too bad the Tooth Fairy can't pay with a PayPal account! LOL

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