Monday, November 17, 2014

One Crazy Week!

Sorry for the lack of posts but lately all I've been doing when I come home is falling into bed! Or laundry, pretty much all of Saturday was laundry.
Last Monday didn't really have anything planned but I did decide to skip my morning run. Good thing I did because my friend Jaime called at 6am and needed me to pick up her son. She was having her baby! So I hung out with Neil all day and he also got to spend the night.
Tuesday morning I took him home so he could meet his new baby sister! It was a great way to start the week. :-)
Thursday, I was honored at the Topeka 20 under 40 banquet. It was a very cool experience. I am so humbled that people selected me to be a part of this group. Here is a link to the video they showed that night. Kayla one of my 4-H'ers did a great job. I didn't know she did this for me and she didn't tell me either. Little stinker!

Then Saturday was the big event. Shawnee County 4-H Achievement Night. I might grumble just a bit when our office works on this event for well over a month. All the work proves to be totally worth it when we have a crowd of 4-H'ers and volunteers having such a good time. I even got my annual whip cream facial! LOL

I will leave you with a little WWE video. Next post will be about my new spin I'm working on. I think it is going to be some epic yarn. Only one run update, it's cold, that is all.

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