Wednesday, November 19, 2014

All Things Yarn

I've dug to the bottom of the stash and found some Hello Yarn Wensleydale fiber that I acquired in January of 2013. I have 8 oz and decided to split the colors apart into three different piles and try to get better at my N ply skills. 
N ply is when you use one single and make it a three ply. That way you can preserve the color of a multi color fiber. I wanted to use this particular fiber because it is a very long fiber and so it shouldn't want to break on me as much as a shorter fiber. 
I love the look of an N ply but so far I've not been very good at it. So I will keep practicing! 
Here is what I have so far.
Original braids of Smells of the Sea:
 Here are the three colors I seperated. The blue is already N plied, the yellow is a single and I just started spinning the brown.

My N ply is still a little un even but I have two more colors to make it better!

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