Saturday, November 29, 2014

Four Day Weekend!

This has been a great
Thanksgiving holiday. We hosted Thanksgiving dinner so we have stayed near home the last three days. This has made it easy to clean, put away summer clothes, run and knit!
Really what more could one want from a Holiday break?

Here are the boys with their Lancaster cousins. Cousin pictures are hard at this age.

I told Kelly all I wanted for my birthday was for him to put up the Christmas lights. So if I don't get anything tomorrow I can't really be all that sad about it! He did hang the lights and we put up all the Christmas decorations inside.

Yesterday, I also mailed out our Christmas card! I can't wait for everyone to get it! With the decorations up, the Christmas card out and half of the Christmas presents bought, I think I am ahead of the game this year. Still working on the last knit gift but it's not even December yet!

Last night I saw the Christmas lights and I do believe they leave something to be desired. We used to have an inflatable santa but it got a hole. Then we had stars that twinkled in the picture window, Kelly said they were tacky. So I think we need something for the yard. I will probably have to live with this for this year because Christmas decorations are so cheap after Christmas. But believe me next year our decorations will border on Griswold!!  I will show Kelly tacky!!

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