Monday, September 29, 2014

We may be to blame

 We are trying something new in the boys' room to try and induce some better sleep for Alex. Kelly unbunked the beds and they are now side by side. When we did that Kelly and I both agreed to be more consistent with Al's bedtime routine. We had a rock solid routine with Daryl and he is a sleeper. We got lazy with routines with kid #2. We are to blame for our own sleepless nights.

So last Tuesday we started bath, book then bed with both boys. We start at eight o'clock sharp. Alex still cries for a little bit but he is getting better and better. Every morning I make a big deal about him sleeping in his own bed and I tell him he is a big boy! He always responds with a "No."
He can be a big boy in his own bed but he doesn't have to be happy about it!
On Saturday around 7pm we put the boys in their pjs and loaded them and some blankets in the car. If I still lived in Hanston that would mean we were going to the drive-in. In Topeka it means we are going to watch a movie at the Capital. We saw, "Honey I Shrunk The Kids." Alex stayed up for the whole movie and Daryl fell asleep at 8:30 his normal bedtime. That kid is like clockwork with bedtime!

Sunday was wash day and I spent an hour washing newly spun yarn. I ended up with 1180 yards of worsted three ply yarn from 1lb of fiber. Color is Bristling by Hello Yarn. It is a classic! Can't wait to start a cardigan with it. I do need to get some projects off of the needles first. I should be able to skein it up with my new ball winder I want for my birthday. HINT HINT :-)

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