Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Stupid Little Toe

So what is now referred to as the tragic toe injury of 2014 will probably side line me from my 25K on Sunday. :-( On Labor Day we took the boys to Going Bonkers here in Topeka. They have one of those huge gym things for the kids to climb on. I don't know what I was thinking but I got into it and started chasing the boys. Well I fell through one of the opening little kids use to climb upwards and hurt my toe that is beside my pinkey toe. I always thought it was funny when athletes would be on the injured list because of a toe injury. Now I understand, that stupid toe has hampered my walking and made running almost impossible for three weeks.
I'm disappointed not to be able to run my race but the farthest I ever got on this training plan was 11.5 miles and I've only run 8 miles the past three weeks. I just don't think its smart to try to do 15 on Sunday. Sigh. I will go pick up my shirt, but I don't plan on wearing it until I run my own 25K!

With morning and evening runs out I've been able to focus on something very important. Spinning a sweater amount of Hello Yarn Fiber! This is a color that came out in October 2011 and I've been collecting it since 2012. Fiber does not keep forever so the time to spin it had come! Plus it is very "fallish" so with the recent cooler weather it just feels right!

I have half of the 20 ounces spun and more singles are ready to ply! Yahoo! I have multiple interests so when one totally lets me down I can just go to another!

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