Monday, September 8, 2014

Out of Left Field

I don't know where the saying, "Out of Left Field" comes from, but I do believe it describes life since the last blog post.
Since the boys' birthday party Kelly was out of town for another week for work. Just when we were going to get back to a schedule I found out my nephew was very very ill. Last Wednesday at about 6pm I got a phone call from my mother that he was being flown to Wichita to be in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit. I told Kelly I was going to Wichita and he said, "Go."
Thankfully, he is getting better! I was in Wichita with him and my sister and mom for three days. In those days I saw improvement but the virus that made him sick along with a case of mono will leave him weak for a long time.

Thank you to everyone who was following along with his health on Facebook and kept him in your thoughts and prayers.

The boys missed me while I was gone, but not too much! This was the conversation on the way to the library Sunday night.
Me-Geez Kelly if you hadn't met me you might just be laying on the couch all day watching football on a day like today.
Kel-Ya, wouldn't that have been awful.
Daryl-He would LIKE THAT mom. (he was using a Duh! voice)
Me- Daryl you think daddy would be happier without us?
Daryl- Probably just without you because you don't let him watch Royals. You should just let him watch the Royals mom!
Kelly was totally cracking up and I was laughing a little bit too. Daryl picks up on everything even the nightly debate of is there anything better on TV than Royals tonight. PS-Usually there is. ;-)

For an update on Alex, the kid is an awful sleeper. He is cute, and he gives great hugs, but almost all that good is negated by the fact he might be a vampire. Or whatever mythical character goes without sleeping! Kelly and I are going to soon have to get back on the every other night rotation that we had with both of the boys when they were infants! That way at least one of us is getting some sleep!

While I was sitting with Canyon in the hospital I did get started on a new knitting project. It is a blouse made of lace weight yarn. If you are not a knitter that last sentence should read, this is going to take awhile!  I would love to have it done in time to wear this winter, we shall see! I am using some of my Wollmeise stash. So I am finally knitting with the good stuff!

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