Friday, August 29, 2014

Awesome Weekend! (Last weekend, not tomorrow!)

 This last weekend we had the annual Meerpohl boys birthday party! I thought I better post about it today because it is almost the weekend again!

The party was a lot of fun and the Manor was full of people we love. We rented a bouncy house to keep the kids busy, little did we know it was going to be 100 degrees that day. The kids still loved it and the moms were just making them drink as much water and juice as they could.

I don't have a picture but Daryl got a Roman soldier dress up set from Ms. Pam. He LOVED it! He has been wearing it every day. Yesterday, I asked Daryl to feed the dogs before we had to leave for school. I was in another room and I could hear him putting on his entire soldier costume instead of going outside to feed the dogs.

Me- "Daryl why are you putting on your Roman stuff when I asked you to feed the dogs."
He didn't even miss a beat! That kid! 

Alex had a great time at the party too. He likes to run with the big kids. He hurt his foot outside and I went to pick him up and he said, "No, Laudia!"

His babysitter Claudia came to the party and he wanted her to take care of him! She was happy to oblige him. :-) Claudia's family has become the boys second family and we love that they are so close.

We had cupcakes and ice cream. Kelly had doubts but I got six candles in one cupcake for Daryl! Alex was just a little concerned about the candles. He still doesn't like fire, he calls it "hot". This all came about on the 4th of July with fireworks. He didn't even get close enough to them to blow them out. So Kelly and I did it for him. :-)

The Birthday Sweater in all its glory! Don't mind those ends, they are all weaved in and taken care of now!

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