Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Happy 6th Birthday Daryl!

Today, Daryl got to have a cupcake for breakfast! It is his sixth birthday today so it was OK. Since it is his first year in school he also got to take cupcakes to school for treats. For the sake of his class he had to taste them to make sure they were good. Good news for his class, they passed the test!
I learn so much every year that I am Daryl's mom. I record most of it right here on the blog so some day when he leaves me for college I can relive his childhood! I can also remind myself what a sassy pants he was!

 I finished his birthday sweater! I was so happy I had enough green yarn. I used all that I had and still had to make the button bands shorter than called for. As soon as I get some buttons on there I will post a modeled picture.
I don't know if you have been keeping score at home but now Daryl, Alex and I all have matching sweaters. I couldn't be more thrilled with myself! This pattern is Wonder Years and I used Cascade 220 and hand spun Hello Yarn Fiber. Go me! Now I must find something new to cast on....

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