Friday, August 8, 2014

Decisions Decisions

The progress on Daryl's sweater had stalled. This is a problem because his birthday is August 20th and this is his birthday sweater. There is a culprit for this. My spinning wheel and the glorious bump of fiber I'm spinning.

The Hello Yarn Shetland that I am spinning is a dream. It is an easy spin without a lot of work on my part to make even singles. And the colors! Oh the glorious colors! I just want to get home at night and spin spin spin! This colorway , Bristling, has been in the stash for many years. It is one of those colors I collected before I was in the Fiber Club. Now that there is a monthly delivery of Hello Yarn being delivered to me it is time to let this fiber free of the fiber closet! I can't wait to show you all the finished yarn.

But, that will have to wait until this sweater is done. I'm on the sleeves, I struggle with sleeves, they are boring to knit....grumble grumble.

Daryl went to Aunt Barb's on Wednesday night and we will go get him tonight. He was very excited about this and didn't really want to tell me goodbye because he was so excited.

Me-Daryl give me a hug before you leave
Daryl-**running around the house grabbing toys to take with him not paying attention**
Kel-Daryl tell your mom goodbye and give her a hug!
Daryl-Goodbye mom! I will always remember you!

Oh dear turns out he didn't think he was ever coming back. And...he wasn't bothered one little bit!!
Daryl's Tee Ball picture!

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