Friday, August 15, 2014

We made it!

This was a crazy week! Daryl had his first day of Kindergarten and even though I cried he did great! He likes his teacher and he says he has made friends, but he can't remember their names yet. :-) When I picked him up on Wednesday I started asking too many questions so he got mad at me and told me I can only ask one question every day. That's not going to happen so I got him some gum and he spilled his guts!
Kelly and I were really curious how meals would go because he can be a really picky eater at times and he doesn't like to drink milk. So the first thing we both asked him about was lunch time. He told us the same thing.
"They made me eat probably 21 or 22 bites and I had to drink my milk. I picked strawberry and it was OK."
I do not doubt one little bit that he counted all the bites he took!
On Thursday he had chocolate milk and he told me he was never going to have any other type of milk. Chocolate is the best!
I know he is still a little nervous about school because when we pull up to the school he has asked me every day if I will go in with him. They didn't have us go in on the first day but I have walked him in the rest of the week. I'm sure pretty soon he will tell me I can just go, that is how it was when he started preschool. I will sure walk him in every chance he gives me!
I have less than a week to go on the birthday sweater. I still have half a sleeve to go and button bands. This one is going to cut it close!

Alex gets so mad when we don't take his picture. So here is Alex
 on Daryl's 1st day of school!

Brotherly love!

Daryl in front of his school!

All the kids waiting to go in on the first day.

Daryl's little backpack walking in. I was losing it right about this time. :-)

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