Tuesday, September 23, 2014

You know you are on a budget when...

Living on a budget usually means delaying pleasure. This is something that Kelly and I can make the decision to do as adults. However, the boys get that decision made for them! So the end of any month can be a bit ho hum, (dull) if we have already spent the eating out money and are almost done with the gas money!

Fortunately, living in the city we have many low cost (free) options at our disposal. We are also grateful for our Zoo family pass that the boys received for their birthday!

So here is our Sunday at the zoo!

Daryl loves this tunnel near the bears.

We were waiting and waiting for Alex to come out and turns out he just hung out where he went in the whole time!

Don't believe Daryl's face. He LOVES the zoo!

Saturday we made a road trip to Rossville to play at their awesome park! Our family is a connoisseur of public parks and while Gage ranks at the top of our list we like to shake it up every now and again. Rossville park is worth the drive!  (I have pictures but I can't get them off my phone. Trust me its cool.)

You know you are on a budget when you take your car to the dealership for a recall and the service guy can't get out of it. You forgot to tell him the door handle on the inside of the car is broke and you have to roll the window down to open the drivers side door!
Service guy says, "I can fix that for $130 plus tax."
You say, "For that much I will just roll down the window!"

You know you are on a budget when you ask your husband how much the groceries were and he says $46 and you get really excited. Then you get mad when you realize he didn't get two things on the list. So the groceries were not $46 they were $51. He had you thinking you could get a week's worth of groceries for under $50 and it just wasn't true!

You know you are on a budget when you can have a family fun weekend for free and love every minute of it!
(I almost hate to type this next part because I don't want to jinx us.) If we keep up our tight budget we should be debt free (except our mortgage) in February! This is ahead of our April 2015 goal! shhhhh let's not talk about it and that won't jinx it. If you must just give a ;-) in the comments here or on Facebook.

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