Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Under Budget!

November ended very nicely! I finished the never ending KU shawl, had a nice family Thanksgiving, took a birthday trip to St. Louis, and was $38 UNDER BUDGET for the month!
Kelly and I both couldn't remember the last time we were more than $5 under. Normally at the end of the month we are moving things around so we are right on target.
That was a nice surprise. After four years of doing our monthly budget I think we are finally getting the hang of it! Also excited that Friday is Snowball day! We will put that extra money right onto the debt snowball payment.
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. I sure did and there was so much dessert to choose from that I just had Pie for supper!
Also, Daryl found his hat!
I spent the better part of Monday afternoon raking leaves. After six trash bags and filling the trash container I did a little more than half of the front yard. I felt a blister coming on so I thought it wise to stop! My help was entertaining but not very helpful!


My Help

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