Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas program and finished yarn!

Yesterday Daryl had his pre-school Christmas program. It was super cute and Daryl did a great job singing all the songs and doing the little motions. I didn't know how he would fare missing all but one day last week. But I was one proud mom! 
Smile Please!
I can make this one work...

As usual when he was not singing he was making his eye browns go up and down, first together then one by one. Two parents came up to me after the program and asked me how he does that. They were very entertained! I would try to get video of it but as you can tell from the pictures I got yesterday he no longer does cute on command. If you don't catch the actual joy you will not get it recreated with Daryl!
Finished my frosted berries yarn last night at the Topeka Knitters Christmas gathering. It was a lot of fun and Steph brought her boys to entertain the little boys. Her boys are always a hit!
Tomorrow I am going to post our Christmas Card picture we sent out this year with the story behind the card. I think everyone should have them by then and the story of how the picture came about is worth the wait. I was almost in tears writing it! Awww the suspense!!!

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