Monday, December 23, 2013

DIY Christmas

I love making Christmas presents! I like giving gifts that have a lot of love built into them. I got the idea for Claudia's gift on Pinterest. Claudia is Daryl and Alex's sitter, and her family has become an extension of our family.
I thought the LOVE sign made with the boy's hand print and foot print was so great but didn't know if we could actually pull it off. I showed it to Kelly and in his normal Kelly fashion he said "I can make that."
I swear no matter what plan I come up with Kelly can execute it. This is super simple and with a few supplies from Michaels anyone can do it! I wanted to do the hand/foot print first but Kelly wanted to do the letters first. That was the only disagreement. In the end it turned out very well!
PS-Knit Gifts 3.5/6 done! No worries 2 of the gifts I don't need till Saturday ;-)


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