Saturday, December 14, 2013

Happy Blogaversary!

As of Wednesday this blog has been going for five years strong! I was going to write on Wednesday but Daryl has not been feeling well this week and I was just beat. Today Kelly is not feeling well again so now it is just Alex and I to take care of everyone else. We can do it!

Here is the link to our first Manor post. Here is the picture Daryl and I shall recreate from that post.

Ok, here is some big news. I am finally in the Hello Yarn fiber club! I have been waiting three years for my first club fiber and there are those out there that have been waiting longer than that. I was super quick when the waiting list opened this summer and got on the top of the list!
Last week I got my first LOVELY fiber. Don't you agree?

With all this new pretty fiber coming my way monthly I thought I should clear the bobbins. I had one single of this crazy batt and I wanted a 2 ply. So I finished up the rest of the batt Monday on the second bobbin. I'm going to call this yarn frosted berries because of the bits of silk in it. They remind me of snow. Hopefully this weekend I can ply and then start on my Hello Yarn fiber! Yay! I can't wait to show you ALL OF THE YARN!
Knitting gift tally: 3 of 6 are done! Going to cast on #4 tonight.

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