Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Christmas Card

First, all this was an idea I got off of Pinterest. You Duck Tape a baby to the wall, give the tape to your older child, make them look guilty.
All good in theory.

Then you go to hang a baby on the wall. Several things I didn't account for:

A.) Weight-My baby is more of a kid these days. Christmas Duck Tape is not really for kid hanging?

B.) Kid on a Wall-When was the last time that Alex thought being tied down by his arms and legs sounded like fun? I probably should have thought of this since he cries every time we put him in his car seat. That is at least two times a day.

C.) Guilty Kid- Daryl doesn't take good posed pictures and I know this. Why did I think this funny picture would be any different? We took twenty different pictures of this scene and this is the best we got!

So we didn't actually get Alex on the wall. From the moment we strapped his first arm down he went into full on panic mode. Can you blame him? Mom of the year award right here!
So we did what any parents would do who only need one good picture, we started giving him chocolate. He relaxed. Mostly.

But nothing beats the first thing Daryl said as he came into the room where we were staging the picture.
Daryl-"Cool! We are hanging Alex up on the wall like Christ!"

Wrong Holiday?
Merry Christmas everyone!

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