Monday, December 9, 2013

The Halls are Decked!

Daryl's enthusiasm for decorating has spilled over to Christmas. It was just killing him that we couldn't get the decorations out before now. We spent Saturday and Sunday decorating inside and out. Daryl couldn't have been more thrilled! Since Kelly and I only add one ornament to our tree per year we have been together I was explaining what they all stood for as we hung them on the tree.
Our first ornament from when we were dating says "Our 1st Christmas". Daryl promptly asked me if there were Dinosaurs then. Oh geez!
The knitting is coming along well. I can't wait till after the holidays when I can post all the pictures. Right now 2 projects are completed,  one in underway and three left to start. I've never been this ahead of the game. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!
Daryl wasn't feeling good last night so we are home today while he is resting. He is blaming the weather, I'm blaming whatever Kelly was down with last week. Kelly went to work today for the first time since last Wednesday. At this rate everyone should be healthy by Christmas!
A co-worker told me I need more pictures of  Alex on the blog.
Here is big Al!

I love my Santa collection I painted with my Grandma Betty.
She is gone but her memory and art remains!

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