Thursday, December 26, 2013

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a great holiday these past couple of days and will have more fun in the days to come. Probably won't post again until 2014 because I like it when my posts for the year are an even number. I like even numbers!
Kelly and I stayed on budget for Christmas this year. Our presents to each other were a little unorthodox. He let me buy more multi colored lights for the house this year, even though he thinks they are tacky. I am going to do my best to grow my hair long for him.
We both agreed those are pretty great gifts for each other!

Daryl enjoying all of his Christmas presents at once. New sneakers and two WWE dolls.
A knit hat for Bennett
Mittens for Jenny.
Meerpohl Family Christmas picture.

Monday, December 23, 2013

DIY Christmas

I love making Christmas presents! I like giving gifts that have a lot of love built into them. I got the idea for Claudia's gift on Pinterest. Claudia is Daryl and Alex's sitter, and her family has become an extension of our family.
I thought the LOVE sign made with the boy's hand print and foot print was so great but didn't know if we could actually pull it off. I showed it to Kelly and in his normal Kelly fashion he said "I can make that."
I swear no matter what plan I come up with Kelly can execute it. This is super simple and with a few supplies from Michaels anyone can do it! I wanted to do the hand/foot print first but Kelly wanted to do the letters first. That was the only disagreement. In the end it turned out very well!
PS-Knit Gifts 3.5/6 done! No worries 2 of the gifts I don't need till Saturday ;-)


Friday, December 20, 2013

Our Christmas Card

First, all this was an idea I got off of Pinterest. You Duck Tape a baby to the wall, give the tape to your older child, make them look guilty.
All good in theory.

Then you go to hang a baby on the wall. Several things I didn't account for:

A.) Weight-My baby is more of a kid these days. Christmas Duck Tape is not really for kid hanging?

B.) Kid on a Wall-When was the last time that Alex thought being tied down by his arms and legs sounded like fun? I probably should have thought of this since he cries every time we put him in his car seat. That is at least two times a day.

C.) Guilty Kid- Daryl doesn't take good posed pictures and I know this. Why did I think this funny picture would be any different? We took twenty different pictures of this scene and this is the best we got!

So we didn't actually get Alex on the wall. From the moment we strapped his first arm down he went into full on panic mode. Can you blame him? Mom of the year award right here!
So we did what any parents would do who only need one good picture, we started giving him chocolate. He relaxed. Mostly.

But nothing beats the first thing Daryl said as he came into the room where we were staging the picture.
Daryl-"Cool! We are hanging Alex up on the wall like Christ!"

Wrong Holiday?
Merry Christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Christmas program and finished yarn!

Yesterday Daryl had his pre-school Christmas program. It was super cute and Daryl did a great job singing all the songs and doing the little motions. I didn't know how he would fare missing all but one day last week. But I was one proud mom! 
Smile Please!
I can make this one work...

As usual when he was not singing he was making his eye browns go up and down, first together then one by one. Two parents came up to me after the program and asked me how he does that. They were very entertained! I would try to get video of it but as you can tell from the pictures I got yesterday he no longer does cute on command. If you don't catch the actual joy you will not get it recreated with Daryl!
Finished my frosted berries yarn last night at the Topeka Knitters Christmas gathering. It was a lot of fun and Steph brought her boys to entertain the little boys. Her boys are always a hit!
Tomorrow I am going to post our Christmas Card picture we sent out this year with the story behind the card. I think everyone should have them by then and the story of how the picture came about is worth the wait. I was almost in tears writing it! Awww the suspense!!!

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Happy Blogaversary!

As of Wednesday this blog has been going for five years strong! I was going to write on Wednesday but Daryl has not been feeling well this week and I was just beat. Today Kelly is not feeling well again so now it is just Alex and I to take care of everyone else. We can do it!

Here is the link to our first Manor post. Here is the picture Daryl and I shall recreate from that post.

Ok, here is some big news. I am finally in the Hello Yarn fiber club! I have been waiting three years for my first club fiber and there are those out there that have been waiting longer than that. I was super quick when the waiting list opened this summer and got on the top of the list!
Last week I got my first LOVELY fiber. Don't you agree?

With all this new pretty fiber coming my way monthly I thought I should clear the bobbins. I had one single of this crazy batt and I wanted a 2 ply. So I finished up the rest of the batt Monday on the second bobbin. I'm going to call this yarn frosted berries because of the bits of silk in it. They remind me of snow. Hopefully this weekend I can ply and then start on my Hello Yarn fiber! Yay! I can't wait to show you ALL OF THE YARN!
Knitting gift tally: 3 of 6 are done! Going to cast on #4 tonight.

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Halls are Decked!

Daryl's enthusiasm for decorating has spilled over to Christmas. It was just killing him that we couldn't get the decorations out before now. We spent Saturday and Sunday decorating inside and out. Daryl couldn't have been more thrilled! Since Kelly and I only add one ornament to our tree per year we have been together I was explaining what they all stood for as we hung them on the tree.
Our first ornament from when we were dating says "Our 1st Christmas". Daryl promptly asked me if there were Dinosaurs then. Oh geez!
The knitting is coming along well. I can't wait till after the holidays when I can post all the pictures. Right now 2 projects are completed,  one in underway and three left to start. I've never been this ahead of the game. I hope I didn't just jinx myself!
Daryl wasn't feeling good last night so we are home today while he is resting. He is blaming the weather, I'm blaming whatever Kelly was down with last week. Kelly went to work today for the first time since last Wednesday. At this rate everyone should be healthy by Christmas!
A co-worker told me I need more pictures of  Alex on the blog.
Here is big Al!

I love my Santa collection I painted with my Grandma Betty.
She is gone but her memory and art remains!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Under Budget!

November ended very nicely! I finished the never ending KU shawl, had a nice family Thanksgiving, took a birthday trip to St. Louis, and was $38 UNDER BUDGET for the month!
Kelly and I both couldn't remember the last time we were more than $5 under. Normally at the end of the month we are moving things around so we are right on target.
That was a nice surprise. After four years of doing our monthly budget I think we are finally getting the hang of it! Also excited that Friday is Snowball day! We will put that extra money right onto the debt snowball payment.
I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving. I sure did and there was so much dessert to choose from that I just had Pie for supper!
Also, Daryl found his hat!
I spent the better part of Monday afternoon raking leaves. After six trash bags and filling the trash container I did a little more than half of the front yard. I felt a blister coming on so I thought it wise to stop! My help was entertaining but not very helpful!


My Help